lost in space
posted by jennifer at 4:58 PM | Permalink |
posted by jennifer at 9:58 PM | Permalink |
the horror-scope of my life
Here is your horoscope
for Saturday, October 14:
Excessive worry can have you trapped in a mental loop. While you may not enjoy it, you could get so obsessed over one anxiety that you stay stuck there.
posted by jennifer at 11:13 AM | Permalink |
ill communication
And here I am blessed with a technology that provides me with an open forum that allows me to make sense of my meandering thoughts by way of the written word...and inadequate sense of falsely promised obscurity. A perfect solution for such a dilemma.
One would think.
But when I sit here in front of the computer ready to put my fingers to the keyboard and enter this forum everything goes...blank.
I know. Totally lame.
posted by jennifer at 8:30 PM | Permalink |
i heart september
But, until tomorrow, this is still considered the weekend and I'm totally excited because two of my favorite shows are back with new brand new episodes. God, I love September. We are finally out of rerun hell. I'm so excited I could almost do a dance.
I'm a big fan of the television for those of you who haven't been able to guess. And I make no apology for it.
Tonight both Cold Case and Without A Trace are back with a vengeance. It's also a new night for Without A Trace and it's kind fucking up my routine. But I figure routines need to be fucked up every now and again or otherwise you get stuck in a rut. And I certainly wouldn't want that to happen. But digress. New night or not, I'm a happy girl.
As for everything else...I saw Thank You For Smoking and American Splendor this weekend. I am NOT a movie review kind of gal, so I'm not even going to get into it except to say the first was awesome and the latter...erm...not so much. It was alright but nothing I would really recommend. I do however recommend Thank You For Smoking. I quite enjoyed it.
As for now...I'm writing this while baking brownies. Yes, I'm baking. I like baking and quite frankly I'm pretty good at it. But this isn't baking for personal pleasure. We are celebrating my bosses birthday this week and it would be an understatement to say that she loves celebrating her birthday. She has not been shy in admitting she want a big ol' huppla. So we are accomdating. Monday starts with my brownies. Everybody else in the unit has a day to bring in some kind of goody. And then I believe on Thursday it ends with us taking her out to lunch.
I'll all relative to me. I just go with it. You have to participate in office politics otherwise you'll be damned and ostracized. And I certainly don't need that. Plus, I have to admit, it's kinda fun. Things like this certainly help to pass the time on the dreaded 9 to 5 (aka: 7-3:45).
And I'm certainly not one to pass up a brownie or a slice of cake...or two. My waist line is proof of that.
posted by jennifer at 7:27 PM | Permalink |
and so begins year 5767
L'shanah tovah tikatev v'taihatem

also known as Happy New Year
posted by jennifer at 8:48 PM | Permalink |
always on the day you return to work, instead of the day off
But it was okay. I was ready to go. Four days of doing nothing but eating to my gluttonous extent proved worthy to its relaxing reputation. I can go back to work, I thought. I'm rejuvenate and ready to go.
But I was wrong. My car had other plans for me. She thought breaking down would be a fun thing to do. She thought it might bring a smile my face, a chuckle to my morning glory. Oh, that prankster. A riot full of laughs.
The bitch. Cars are evil and I told her so.

<--- The devil herself
A MUCH too expensive cab ride later I show up to work only a half our late. Two hours later the car is being towed to the Service Center for its check-up and I anxiously await a word we all know as "expense." Not surprisingly, there is no news until nearly 5pm, and then there is all the news I can handle. Blah blah blah...something about a battery and corrosion and not correctly fitting...blah blah blah...$115.00 for parts, service and labor. $115.00! I don't know whether laugh or cry. It could have been A LOT worse...but then it didn't have to happen at all.
As of now the car is back in parking spot #56 and I can still afford to eat. So you be the judge.
posted by jennifer at 8:51 PM | Permalink |