feed me, seymour

Saturday, September 16, 2006
"Feed me, Seymour / Feed me all night long - That's right, boy! - Go to it, Feed me Seymour /Feed me all night long / Cause if you feed me, Seymour / I can grow up big and strong."

I woke up this morning to the sound of my stomach growling.

And now I have the song from Little Shop of Horrors stuck in my head. How the hell does
that happen? The noises of my stomach compared to an evil blood sucking plant.

I guess, A leads to B leads to See what kind of amusing thought process I have.

Maybe I've just watched way to many movies. Hell, I don't even like A Little Shop of Horrors. I have this very distinct memory of my mom watching it on the telly when I was a kid. It completely frightened me. I was horrified. First off, I had no idea what the hell was going on. There's singing. A dorky man. A woman with an awful voice...and a vampire Venus Fly Trap. What the hell?

I remember standing in front of the TV and being unable to turn my head away. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen and it freaked me out.

It was decided right then and there that I would hate this movie forever.

So, sorry Seymour I will not feed you. And I wish you and your silly songs would stay out of my head forever.
simply do not ask me what this is all about, parce que je ne sais pas, mes chers

posted by jennifer at 10:07 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for feed me, seymour
Oh come on now. It's a genius movie, steve martin playing a psychotic dentist? That's comedy gold right there. Personally I just love the songs (skid row being a favourite) and animatronics, but then that's just me.



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